Client Focus

Client focus >> @karen_run_fitness
"This morning I ran 26.2 to test out how my training was going with @box_nutrition 3 hours and 9 minutes later I collapsed against my front door. Trust the process and the results will come. Even if the results hurt. 😂 “
Obviously very chuffed for Karen.
OK so how did we do it?
From initial baseline testing we established that Karen had a relatively poor aerobic threshold, meaning she was having to work fairly hard even at very low speed (began to produce lactate at 8kph).
With some targeted train low (low carbohydrate) zone 2 work and VO2Max intervals (fuelled correctly!) we saw a BIG improvement! Karen was running quicker whilst using less kcals/carbohydrates (running at 12kph when producing lactate/beginning to sue carbs as fuel) .
We also saw a marked improvement in her running economy - the amount of oxygen she was using at lower intensities/race pace meaning she can go for longer.
The proof was in the pudding on Sunday when she ran a 3:09 with 1800ft elevation!!
Very chuffed.
Looking forward to the next 6 months. A sub 3hr FLAT marathon is EASILY on the cards.
The Box Performance Process.
How we did it:
1️⃣ Test (VO2Max, AeT, AnT, Economy and fat burning)
2️⃣ Establish training parameters
3️⃣Identify strengths and weaknesses
4️⃣Fuel – how to eat for training
👉 Get in touch if you want need a bit of help with your performance >