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All about Zone 2 – Using low intensity cardio for Hybrid and Hyrox Athletes

As a HYROX or hybrid athlete, you're constantly looking for ways to optimise your training and maximise your performance. While high-intensity workouts have their place, it's essential not to overlook the benefits of Zone 2 training. In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages of Zone 2 training and how it can help you become a stronger, faster, and more efficient HYROX or hybrid athlete.

What is zone 2

Exercise in "Zone 2" refers to a specific intensity level of physical activity, typically characterised by low-to-moderate intensity and a steady state of effort. This type of exercise is often referred to as "aerobic" or "endurance" training, and is typically associated with activities such as jogging, cycling, or swimming at a slow to moderate pace.

What are the benefits of training in Zone 2?

Research has shown that incorporating more "Zone 2" work into your training plan can improve endurance performance. This has led to an increase in its popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

But what are the main benefits:

  • Increase your VO2 max – A key marker for fitness and longevity

  • Increase the size and number of mitochondria (in slow twitch fibres), which is the powerhouse of the muscle cell and where energy is produced – this helps with fitness, fat loss and improvements in health markers

  • Increase the number of capillaries surrounding the muscle, which will increase oxygen and glucose availability. This will also help get rid of lactate more quickly

  • Increase myoglobin so you can carry more oxygen to the muscles

  • Strengthen the heart, which increases stroke volume. This means more blood can get pumped around the body

  • Increased number of slow twitch muscle fibres (sustain space for long distances)

  • Improved utilisation of fat as energy

  • Increase lactate recycling: Lactate is a bi- product of muscle metabolism that can accumulate during high-intensity exercise, leading to fatigue. However, when you exercise in Zone 2, your body becomes better at clearing lactate and using it as a fuel source, which can help improve your endurance and delay fatigue.

  • Better aerobic base: Developing a strong aerobic foundation is crucial for HYROX and hybrid athletes, as it supports performance in both endurance and strength-based activities.

How to find your Zone 2

There are 3 main ways to find your Zone 2 Heart Rate

  1. Metabolic Testing (AKA VO2Max Test)

  2. Calculation and field tests

  3. The conversation test

1. Metabolic Testing

The only true way to determine your Zone 2 is through indirect calorimetry. A VO2Max test or indirect calorimetry, which is typically done using a device called a VO2 analyser, is considered the most accurate way to determine an individual's Zone 2. The VO2 test measures the amount of oxygen consumed during exercise, which is directly related to the body's energy expenditure. The VO2 analszer can measure the volume and the fraction of oxygen inhaled and exhaled.

From this test, we can establish the heart rate at your ventilatory (VT1) or first lactate threshold (LT1). This marks the transition from easy intensity exercise to a moderate intensity exercise and the upper limit of your individual Zone 2. This threshold is closely related to the intensity of exercise at which the body begins to shift from primarily using fat as a fuel source to primarily using carbohydrates.

A metabolic test will also provide you with other markers of fat loss and fitness including VO2Max and calorie burn at different intensities.

Establishing your zone 2 from VO2Max testing

2. Max Heart rate calculation

Another way to estimate your Zone 2 is using the formula: (Max Heart Rate - your age) x 0.7. This will give you the lower end of your Zone 2 heart rate range. The upper end of the range is typically around 84% of your maximum heart rate. It's important to note that this is a rough estimate.

How to Establish Your Max Heart Rate

After warming up, run up a hill for at least 2 minutes at a pace you think you could hold for 20 minutes. Jog to the bottom of the hill and repeat the hill again but at a slightly faster pace. Repeat this a third time and increase the speed again so you can only just complete the 2 minutes. Record your maximum heart rate. The other option is to run 1 mile and every 1/4 of a mile increase the pace until you're running all out for the final 1/4. The highest number observed is the max heart rate.

3. The conversation test

The third way to determine your Zone 2 is by using the "conversation test". This method involves exercising at a moderate intensity while trying to maintain a conversation. If you are able to carry on a conversation with ease, but can't sing, then you are likely in your Zone 2. If you're able to sing, you're probably not working hard enough to be in zone 2.

Zone 2 heart rate varies greatly between individuals, which is one of the reasons why the conversation test and the formula are not as accurate as metabolic testing, as they don't take into account an individual's fitness level.

Incorporating Zone 2 Training into Your HYROX or Hybrid Athlete Routine

The amount of zone 2 training you should do in a week depends on several factors, including your fitness level, training goals, and current training schedule. As a general guideline, incorporating 2-3 sessions of zone 2 training per week can be beneficial for endurance performance.

To get the true benefits, it's recommended to perform exercise sessions that last for at least 30 minutes, and ideally up to 60 minutes in your Zone 2 heart rate. This allows for enough time for the body to use fat as a primary fuel source, and for the body to adapt to the increased workload.

  1. Schedule 1-2 Zone 2 sessions per week, lasting 30-60 minutes each. Ideally a third which is upto 120mins long. This can include activities like jogging, cycling, swimming, or rowing.

  2. Monitor your heart rate to ensure you're staying within the appropriate intensity zone. Use a heart rate monitor, fitness tracker, or smartphone app to track your heart rate during your workouts.

  3. Balance Zone 2 training with higher-intensity workouts and strength training sessions to create a well-rounded training program.

Zone 2 isn’t the be-all and end-all

It's important to note that while zone 2 training can be beneficial for health, fat loss and fitness, it should be combined with other types of exercise, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training, to provide a well-rounded exercise programme. How you distribute this will ultimately come down to your goals as an individual.

Zone 2 training offers numerous benefits for HYROX and hybrid athletes, including improved endurance, increased fat loss, and a better aerobic base. By incorporating Zone 2 training into your routine, you can optimise your performance and set yourself up for success in your athletic pursuits.

How can Box Nutrition Help you with Zone 2

At Box Nutrition, we believe in the power of Zone 2 training for fat loss and increased fitness. Zone 2 training is a low-intensity cardiovascular workout that gets your heart rate up without stressing the body too much. As the name suggests, it involves keeping your heart rate in ‘Zone 2’ - between 50-70% of your maximum resting heart rate.

Zone 2 training is a great way to improve your overall metabolic health, as it helps the body burn fat more efficiently and reduce lactic acid build-up. It’s also great for those who want to maintain their fitness levels without putting too much strain on their bodies.

One technique we recommend at Box Nutrition is the Talk Test. This involves testing how easily you can hold a conversation while exercising. If it becomes difficult to talk, that’s an indication you have gone beyond Zone 2 and need to reduce your intensity. By monitoring your heart rate and using the Talk Test, you can ensure you are doing the right amount of work for the best results.

At Box Nutrition, we believe in helping you achieve your fitness goals without putting too much strain on your body. With Zone 2 training, you can enjoy the health benefits of exercise while staying in a safe and comfortable heart rate zone. Try it out today and see how far you can go! To learn more about how to tailor your training for HYROX and hybrid events, consider booking a consultation with Box: Perform and take advantage of our expertise in performance testing, like VO2Max and lactate threshold testing, to create a personalised training plan tailored to your unique needs.


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